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Lightwave GL

Flexible Chart of Account (COA)

LumenSoft Lightwave Accounting Software offers a hierarchical chart of accounts with up to five levels. The first level is fixed and includes Capital, Assets, Liability, Income, or Expense. The remaining four levels are customizable, allowing users to tailor the chart of accounts (COA) to suit their business needs.

Multi-Company Accounting System

Supporting multi-company functionality, financial reports such as trial balances, balance sheets, and income statements can be generated separately for each company. Users can also consolidate data from all companies to generate comprehensive reports. Individual company reports display specific titles, while consolidated reports display the designated head or corporate office.

Automated Year End closing process

Simplify your year-end closing procedures. Administrators can easily close financial years, and if necessary, reopen closed periods. At year-end, the system automatically transfers balance sheet entries to the opening accounts of the following year and calculates year-end profit/loss. Ledger information can be viewed across multiple years effortlessly.

Easy to use voucher entry screen

LumenSoft General Ledger features a user-friendly interface for voucher entry and view screen, facilitating efficient entry of vouchers. Easy navigation enables users to access previously entered detailed vouchers with ease.

Posting and Search of Vouchers

A feature providing a quick and easy way to search required vouchers. You can post and un-post vouchers through one screen. Vouchers can be selected on the basis of flexible criteria. You can view all selected vouches on the voucher screen for viewing or editing on a single click.

Temporary Voucher Facility for petty cash management

LumenSoft Lightwave Accounting Software includes a temporary voucher feature for managing petty cash. This feature eliminates manual or spreadsheet-based workflows by allowing users to enter day-to-day transactions into temporary vouchers. Unlike standard vouchers, temporary vouchers permit duplicate entries for any GL account. These entries can later be converted into standard vouchers, automatically merging and consolidating repeated account codes.

Customer receipts with receivable ageing

A facility for efficient management of customer receipts and receivable aging. Receivables are categorized into different calendar periods (e.g., current, 60 days, 90 days) based on sales vouchers (SV).

Vendor Payments with payable ageing

A feature that facilitates streamlined management of vendor payments and payable aging. Payments are categorized into different calendar periods, (e.g., current, 60 days, 90 days). This ageing is based on payable vouchers.

Bank Reconciliation

A feature allowing users to keep the bank ledgers reconciled and up to date. When cheques are credited and presented they are marked as “Credited” and “Presented” in the system. A view screen would be used then to see the bank position on any given date along with the pending cheques on that particular date.

Management of User Access and system security

Prioritize software security by granting access only to authorized users with appropriate privileges and rights. Users can be assigned specific permissions, dictating their access to screens and actions within the system. For instance, users may be permitted to enter vouchers but restricted from modifying or posting existing entries.

Generation of Balance Sheet

LumenSoft Lightwave Accounting Software allows users to generate balance sheets securely. Access controls ensure that only authorized users can view or interact with sensitive financial data.