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Candela Business Intelligence

Candela Business Intelligence Solution

A Pulse Indicator for your Business

This Candela business intelligence software gathers real-time actionable insights to analyze your business’s past and present data. This solution helps visualize data with dynamic graphics where you can personalize your dashboards with an easy to use drag-and-drop interface to empower you in making data-informed decisions.

Candela Business Intelligence

Default BI Management Dashboard

The default management dashboard of Candela BI provides a combined view of all relevant KPIs and trends. It offers a view of historical and real-time metrics for key performance indicators and data points.

Drill-down Functionality

Users can explore deeper into data granularity by opting for the 'view as tables' feature. This option presents relevant data points and visuals in tabular format, allowing actionable insights.

Data Filters

Flexible data filters and slicers enable users to choose a date range and incorporate additional data fields on specific pages or throughout the entire dashboard, as well as filter data based on other parameters.

Data Visualization

The dashboards show various visualizations to represent different KPIs. Color-coded graphics such as bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and more intricate visuals like scatter plots and filled maps are used to illustrate performance.

Dashboard Customization

Users can fashion customized dashboards from scratch or by pinning the essential metrics and data graphics that are needed and can save them to a new dashboard.

Export reports

In-depth excel analysis can be conducted on reports saved in excel format. A QR code for a specific report can also be generated.
Business Intelligence Dashboard

Monitor Your Business’s Vital Signs

Upon accessing your Business Intelligence account, the BI dashboard will furnish information about store performance, sales performance, profitability analysis, and detailed insights into promotions, discounts, and shrinkage.

The dashboard gives a comprehensive overview of your business’s performance, depicting its standing against the set key performance indicators.

Regular, immediate, and easy access to this information can effectively guide your decision-making process.

For deeper insights, detailed reports are also available for further analysis.