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Candela Manufacturing Module

A Software for Production Monitoring, Assembly Lines, and Manufacturing

Candela M offers comprehensive manufacturing software made for the needs of assembly lines and production monitoring across various industries. It enables thorough tracking of the entire production process, starting from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of finished goods. The finished products are effortlessly stored in the Candela RMS warehouse, which is integrated with the Candela RMS software, ensuring efficient synchronization with retail operations.

  • Raw material Handling
  • Product design Cost sheets preparation
  • Complete Work orders Management
  • Department Operators management
  • Inter department & Warehouse goods transfer
  • Auto creation of GRN in Candela
  • Piece rate workers Management
  • Assembly line department sequence templates
  • Templates for operation templates
  • How to set up your Manufacturing Process in Candela M:


    Cost Sheet Preparation:

    Individual cost sheets are prepared for each design and color variant, outlining the required materials, quantities, and operational costs for each. This provides a detailed per-unit cost for the product.


    Issuing Work Orders:

    Work orders are issued for multiple color variations of each design, specifying production quantities for each size and color, alongside material and operation costs.


    Sequence of Operations:

    Work orders also provide a sequenced list of operations for each design, mapping production departments accordingly. The product flow within the system follows this sequence.

    Candela M

    Manufacturing Process Workflow in Candela M


    Step 1. Raw Material Issuance

    Production commences with the issuance of raw materials against the work order. Upon material issuance, the work order progresses to the initial department.


    Step 2. Goods Transfer Note (GTN)

    Upon completion of work in one department, a Goods Transfer Note (GTN) is generated to facilitate the movement of products to the next department in the sequence.


    Step 3. Recording Wastage

    Any wastage occurring during product movement between departments is carefully recorded, along with the cause. The number of wasted pieces is subtracted from the total count.


    Step 4. Goods Receipt Note (GRN)

    Upon completion, the finished product is transferred to the designated warehouse, automatically generating a Goods Receipt Note (GRN) in Candela, thereby updating stock levels.